Games and Demos (6)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


abs (6D) - get the absolute value of an image
add (6D) - add two images together
addborder (6D) - surround an input image with a border image
addframe (6D) - add a border to an image
addnoise (6D) - add noise to an image
amesh (6D) - audio spectrum analyzer
assemble (6D) - assemble an array of smaller images


bgpaste (6D) - paste an image onto the root window
blast (6D) - 3D space war game
blend (6D) - linearly interporlate two images
blur (6D) - low pass filter an image
btree (6D) - display an image using a binary tree ordering.
buttonfly (6D) - a pretty user interface for Silicon Graphics demos
bz (6D) - a tank game
bzflag (6) - a tank battle game
bzflagrc (6) - bzflag resource database
bzfs (6) - bzflag game server
bzlogo (6D) - convert SGI images to the logo format for bz
bzviewlogo (6D) - display a bz logo file
bzwho (6D) - show a list of all current bz games and players


cedit (6D) - edit colors on the screen
cglue (6D) - create an rgb image out of 3 black and white images
clock (6D) - analog clock in a window
colorbars (6D) - generate NTSC colorbars
conimg (6D) - create a constant image
convolve (6D) - convolve an input image with a kernel
cscale (6D) - scale the rgb colors of an image
cycol (6D) - display a pallete of colors


demograph (6D) - graphs demographic data in 3D over time.
distort (6D) - real time image distortion demo
dotgen (6D) - make an image of two crossed sinusoidal wave patterns
duotone (6D) - make a color duotone image from a black and white image



fieldmerge (6D) - merge two field images into one frame
fitimg (6D) - force an image to be a specific size.
flight, dog, shadow (6D) - simulate the flight of any of several aircraft
fromalias (6D) - converts an Alias image to an Iris image
frombin (6D) - create an RGB Iris image file from a binary dump of image data
fromcmap (6D) - convert a color map into an image with one scanline
fromcube (6D) - convert a Cubicomp/Vertigo image file to IRIS format
fromdi (6D) - convert an old .di dithered image into an RGB image
fromface (6D) - convert a UNIX faceserver image into IRIS format
fromgif (6D) - convert a GIF image into an IRIS image
frommac (6D) - convert a MacPaint image into an IRIS image
frompic (6D) - convert a MOVIE BYU .PIC image to an IRIS image
fromppm (6D) - convert an image in Jef Poskanzer's format into an IRIS image
fromrla (6D) - converts a Wavefront image to an IRIS image
fromsun (6D) - convert a sun image into an IRIS image
fromtarga (6D) - convert a targa image into an IRIS image
fromxbm (6D) - convert an X Bitmap image into an IRIS image
fromxwd (6D) - convert an xwd file into an IRIS image
fromyuv (6D) - convert an Abekas yuv image into an IRIS image


gamcal (6D) - visually check gamma display calibration
gamma (6D) - get or set the system gamma value
gammawarp (6D) - lighten or darken an image
gendit (6D) - perform general image dithering
greyscale (6D) - make different patterns
grid (6D) - generate a 10 by 10 grid


halftone (6D) - half-tone an image
hipass3 (6D) - high pass filter an image
hist (6D) - compute and display the histogram of an image file.
histeq (6D) - histogram equalize an image file


i3dm (6D) - Interactive 3D Modeler
iavg (6D) - average a set of images
iblend (6D) - blend two images using a mat
iflip (6D) - flip an image
imagetools (6D) - overview of Haeberli image tools
imean (6D) - find the average pixel value of an image
imgexp (6D) - expand the range of pixel values in an image.
imgsize (6D) - print the size of an image
imgwrap (6D) - shift pixels left one bit.
installfoliofonts (6D) - Install POSTSCRIPT outline font and font metric file from Adobe Font Folio CD-ROM.
installpcfonts (6D) - Install POSTSCRIPT fonts from Adobe IBM PC font packages
interp (6D) - gamma-corrected color ramp generator
intro (6) - introduction to games and demos
invert (6D) - invert an image
ipaint (6D) - Paint using bitmap images as brushes
iroll (6D) - roll an image in x and y directions
iset (6D) - set the type of an image.
istat (6D) - print the header information of a list of image files.
izoom (6D) - magnify or shrink an image




loadmap (6D) - loads the colormap from a file


mag (6D) - pixel replication and magnification in a window
mandel (6D) - display of Mandelbrot and Julia set images
manwsh (6D) - display a man page and then prompt for input
mapimg (6D) - translates a screen image into an RGB image
max (6D) - get the maximum of two images
mekton (6D) - multi-player networked game
min (6D) - calculate the minimum of two images
mousemon (6D) - display state of mouse buttons
mousewarp, dialwarp, keywarp (6D) - set input warping and repeat parameters
movie (6D) - show a series of images in a sequence
mult (6D) - multiply two images
mview (6D) - Molecule Sphere Demo


newton (6D) - a physical modeling demo
noblack (6D) - remove all the black from an image
nullimg (6D) - make a black image file


oneband (6D) - get a single band of an image
over (6D) - put one image on top of another


palette (6D) - display a palette of colors in the colormap
perhist (6D) - print percent histogram values for an image
pointblank (6D) - armored vehicle warfare game
postcard (6D) - make an image look like a postcard
powerflip (6D) - spin 3D objects in a window


quant (6D) - quantify an image


randimg (6D) - generate a noise image
rectimg (6D) - display a color or BW image on the iris
redirect (6D) - run a demo with error output directed to /dev/console
repcolor (6D) - replace specified colors within an image
rle (6D) - force an image to be stored using run length encoding


saturate (6D) - change an image's saturation
scope (6D) - explore an image of any size
scrsave (6D) - save a part of the screen in an image file
Seahaven Towers (6) - A solitaire game
setlum (6D) - modifies the luminance on an image
sgixdoom (6D) - The popular PC game "DOOM" for SGI systems
shear (6D) - shear an image diagonally
showmap (6D) - display the contents of the color map
slide (6D) - zoom an image up for full screen display
snapshot (6D) - save a portion of the screen in an image file
snoop (6D) - magnify and report on the screen under the mouse pointer
solidview (6D) - display the results of a finite element analysis program
sub (6D) - subtract two images
subimg (6D) - extract a sub-region from an image


thresh (6D) - threshold one image with another
tile (6D) - repeats an image in two dimensions
toalias (6D) - Convert an IRIS image to an Alias image
toascii (6D) - use text characters to represent an image
tobin (6D) - Convert an Iris image to binary dump of pixel data
tobw (6D) - convert a color image to black and white
togif (6D) - convert an IRIS image to a Compuserve GIF image
tomac (6D) - convert an IRIS image to MacPaint format
tonews (6D) - convert an IRIS image into NeWS format
topict (6D) - convert an IRIS image to Macintosh PICT format
toppm (6D) - convert an IRIS image file into Jef Poskanzer's ppm image format
tops (6D) - Convert an iris image to PostScript
toscitex (6D) - Convert IRIS images into Scitex CT2T images
tosun (6D) - convert an IRIS image to a sun raster file
totarga (6D) - Convert from an IRIS image to a type 2 (RGB) targa image
toyuv (6D) - convert an IRIS image to yuv format
twilight (6D) - twilight sky screen background


unixfont (6D) - Convert Macintosh and IBM PC POSTSCRIPT outline fonts into Unix format.


verbatim (6D) - force an image to be stored without run length encoding
vhist (6D) - display a 3-D volume histogram of a color image
vis (6D) - Copy the bytes of a file to the screen
vroom (6D) - slot car racing in the future
vtc (6D) - vroom track compiler



xmj (6D) - Mahjong game
xzoom (6D) - magnify or minify an image in the x direction


YAODL (6D) - the 3D data format used by the powerflip demo